Инструменты - #4 - James Root - Гитара
Дизайнерские шкафы современные - модные шкафы 2023 для современных gatura.ru.
Гитары :
Fender Flat-head Telecaster in Matte Black finish and EMG 81/60 pickups(Drop B tuning) Ernie Ball strings gauges (.011 .015 .018plain .028 .038 .058)
Fender Flat-head Telecaster in Matte Black finish and EMG 81/60 pickups(Drop A tuning for The Heretic Anthem) Ernie Ball strings gauges(.012 .016 .020plain .030 .040 .064)
Запасная гитара :
Fender Flat-head Stratocaster in Matte Black finish and EMG 81/60 pickups with JR inlay at the 12th fret
Эффекты :
1.Furman PL-Plus Power Conditioner
2.Audio-Technica AEW-R5200 Receiver
3.Whirlwind Multi-selector
4.Dunlop Crybaby Custom Shop DCR-2SR Rackmounted Wah
5.Korg DTR-1000 Rackmounted Tuner
6.Digital Music Corp. GCX Switcher(Single effect pedals looped to GCX)
7.Maxon AF-9 Auto Filter(Loop 1)
8.Maxon OD-9 Overdrive(Loop 3)
9.Digitech Hyper Phase(Loop 5)
10.Dunlop JH-3S Jimi Hendrix Octave Fuzz(Loop 7)
11.MXR Auto Q Filter(Loop 2)
12.Digitech Synth Wah Envelope Filter(Loop 4)
13.MXR Bass Auto Q Filter(Loop 6)
14.Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor(No loop but plugged into GCX and Master amp)
15.Digital Music Corp. Ground Control Pro(Switched by Jim Х s tech)
Усилители :
1.Rivera Knucklehead Reverb 100,100-Watt, All-Tube head with KT88 Power Tubes(Master amp)
2.Rivera Knucklehead Reverb 100,100-Watt, All-Tube head with 6L6 Power Tubes(Slave amp)
3 and 4.Rivera Straight-Front 4x12 Cabinets loaded with celestion G12T-75 Speakers(2)
5.Randall Isolation 1x12 loaded with Celestion G12T-75
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